Monday, December 3, 2012

America Recycles!.....Or Do We?

Monday, December 3, 2012 10:11:49 AM GMT+5

by: Leslie Jones

Considering that recycling bins and carts around our neighborhoods always seem to be full, and recycling drop-off locations are brimming with newspapers, cardboard and all kinds of other recyclable materials we have successfully saved from the landfill, you would think that the recycling rate in America would be quite high, right?  Not really.

“33 percent of glass containers were recycled while...13 percent of plastic containers and packaging was recycled, mostly from soft drink, milk, and water bottles. Plastic bottles were the most recycled plastic products. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and jars were recovered at about 29 percent. Recovery of high density polyethylene (HDPE) natural (white translucent) bottles was estimated at about 28 percent. The highest recovery rates were achieved in....more than 62 percent of the paper and paperboard we generated.”*

These numbers don’t seem to explain why we see full recycling containers all over town.  Is it because there are actually recyclable materials going into the landfill that we don’t realize are recyclable?  Maybe.  We are probably all guilty of “the convenience factor” of throwing something away instead of holding onto it or storing it until we get near a recycling bin.  It would be interesting to see what would happen to these numbers if there were recycling containers next to garbage cans all over town.
It is important, however, that we understand that even though these recycling statistics seem low, these recovery rates are quite impressive considering what they were just thirty years ago. “Over the last few decades, the generation, recycling, composting, and disposal of MSW have changed substantially. While solid waste generation has increased from 3.66 to 4.43 pounds per person per day between 1980 and 2010, the recycling rate has also increased–from less than 10 percent of MSW generated in 1980 to about 34 percent in 2010. Disposal of waste to a landfill has decreased from 89 percent of the amount generated in 1980 to about 54 percent of MSW in 2010.”*

  • “Forests are being cut and trees are being felled at an unimaginable rate of 100  acres per minute. All this to produce paper which is normally used and disposed without much thought.

  • A plant takes a minimum of 15 to 20 years to grow into a tree, but takes less than ten minutes to be felled, and on an average one tree can yield about 700 paper grocery bags, which will be consumed in less than an hour by a supermarket!

  • Almost every hour, nearly 250,000 plastic bottles are dumped. It is not surprising that plastic bottles constitute close to 50% of recyclable waste in the dumps.

  • The average time taken by plastic bottles to decompose in a landfill is close to 700 years.

  • Glass is one of the very few products that can be completely recycled again and again. But most often times, it ends up in landfills and never decomposes.

  • World-famous chocolate manufacturer, Hershey Chocolate Company, in manufacturing 20,000,000 Hershey’s kisses (every day), uses about 133 square miles of aluminum to wrap the chocolates. This aluminum wrap is recyclable, but most of this recyclable aluminum reaches the trash cans instead of recycle bins, because people often enjoy the chocolate but don’t think about the recyclable aluminum wrap!

  • One of the materials that is easiest and fastest to recycle is aluminum. Aluminum cans can be recycled and reused within 60 days.”**

Hopefully the surprising statistics above at least give some insight into why Americans should forget the “convenience factor” and recycle...recycle....recycle!  If you’re not sure if an item is recyclable, you can visit our website at and click on the Recycling Questions tab.  You will get quick, personalized responses every time.  Waste-Away Group is dedicated to recycling education.


Monday, September 17, 2012

If in Doubt....Leave it Out!

by: Leslie Jones

Many of us don’t know what to do with the ever-problematic piles of leaves in our yard.  It doesn’t seem quite right that organic matter would be banned from a landfill, but that is exactly what has happened in Indiana and several other states.  According to Indiana Code 13-20-9, leaves are specifically named as being something that the landfills can no longer accept in large quantities.  “In the U.S., yard waste accounts for nearly 17% of all Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) according to the EPA. The waste consists of the usual backyard things like grass clippings, leaves and tree trimmings that adds up to nearly 31 million tons each year. Records show that over the last four decades the amount of green waste that ends up at landfills has drastically reduced due to residential composting, waste management, and composting facilities.

Yard Waste and Landfills Don’t Go Hand-in-Hand.  
Why should we support yard waste recycling? One reason being, to extend the life of a landfill and decrease methane emissions from damaging the earth. Methane is an odorless gas that is released as bacteria decomposes organic matter (in this case yard waste) in our landfills. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is a contributing factor in climate change. Additionally, without controlling methane within a landfill, it can seep into the ground where it has the potential to explode. Burning of yard waste in incinerators is not exactly a great option either because when burned, it emits certain gases that contribute to the formation of smog-causing nitrogen oxides.

Grasscycling: Leave the Grass in the Grass
During spring and summer months, grass accounts for 50% of a resident’s yard waste. A new catchy term called “Grasscycling” refers to putting those grass clippings to use around your home instead of bagging them and setting it curbside.  Letting freshly cut grass decay the natural way allows valuable nutrients to be released back into the soil and encourages beneficial soil aeration from earthworms. Moreover, leaving grass clippings in the grass can reduce the time you spend with the mower, which benefits air quality as well. Programs like, “leave it on the lawn” combined with backyard composting has made yard waste the most reduced source-item in the waste stream.  Grasscycling is one simple thing homeowners can do to help the environment.”*

Composting: Another Viable Option for organic matter. “Greens and browns are nicknames for different types of organic matter to use in composting recipes.

Greens are high in nitrogen or protein, thus organic nitrogen sources. These products help the composting microherd to grow, breed, and multiply fast in the piles....creating extreme internal temperatures in hot compost piles.

Browns are high in carbon or carbohydrates, thus organic carbon sources. These products supply the energy and food that mostly all soil organism need to survive. Carbons also help absorb the offensive odors and capture and help prevent most of the organic nitrogen in the piles from escaping by evaporation or leaching. Carbons are essential in the faster formation of humus from the organic matter in a composting process.

A simple test to determine if your organic matter is a "green" or a "brown" is to wet it, and wait a few days. If it stinks, it is definitely a green. If not, it's a brown.
Normal compost has a C:N ratio ranging from 25:1 to 30:1. This is considered the origin or dividing line for all organic materials.**

Unfortunately, the ordinances, laws and restrictions continue to become more strict as we learn more about the impact waste has on the landfills and the Earth in general.  Along with recycling for general household recyclables, hopefully composting helps you manage another percentage of your waste stream.  Whatever we can do to keep the amount thrown into the landfill to a minimum extends the life of the landfill and keeps our environment cleaner.  Between recycling and composting, when it comes to what should go in the landfill, if in doubt.......leave it out!



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tired of Tiresome Tires?.....Say That 3 Times Fast!

by: Leslie Jones

“What do I do with these old tires?”  One of the most popular recycling questions ever asked.  Our best advice to you is to go to your local tire dealer to dispose of them properly.  Tire dealers usually take unwanted tires for around $1.50 - $2.00 per tire, then turn them over to authorized recyclers.  

“Rubber is difficult to recycle due to the procedure known as “vulcanization,” which it undergoes to attain its springy, flexible nature. Vulcanization is a curing process that involves adding sulfur to rubber, which creates stronger bonds between the rubber polymers. Due to the vulcanization method, tires are difficult to melt for reuse and are therefore typically broken down by a mechanical process.

Initially, whole tires are shredded into strips using rugged machines. The shredded material is then placed in grinding machines that use rotors to further shred the material and remove the steel fibers from the tire. Some processors also use powerful magnets to further draw metal from the rubber.

Once the bulk of the steel is removed, the strips are placed into granulators. Depending on the consistency desired by the end user of the shredded tires, the rubber can be milled into assorted sizes of granules that are useful in a number of industries.”*

“Tires are...often recycled for use on basketball courts and new shoe products. However, material recovered from waste tires, known as "crumb," is generally only a cheap "filler" material and is rarely used in high volumes.  Tires can also be recycled into other tires. Tires have also been cut up and used in garden beds as bark mulch to hold in the water and to prevent weeds from growing.”**  Use as playground “flooring” is growing in popularity, too.tire-recycling

“Why can’t I just throw them in my trash or the landfill?”  Another excellent (and often asked) question.  “Tires are not desired at landfills, due to their large volumes and 75% void space, which quickly consumes valuable space. Tires can trap methane gases, causing them to become buoyant, or bubble to the surface. This ‘bubbling’ effect can damage landfill liners that have been installed to help keep landfill contaminants from polluting local surface and groundwater.”**  Tires also produce a residual chemical byproduct that has the potential to contaminate groundwater.

Well, we can only use so many tire swings and tire sandboxes....and nobody needs tire flower planters, so please consider taking your old tires to your local tire dealer to recycle them into useful, innovative products.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Trust Me....I'm a Recycling Company

by: Leslie Jones

Have you found yourself wondering, “If I recycle a plastic bottle...does it go to make new plastic bottles?” or “What could possibly be made from recycled glass?”  You are not alone.  Recycling is one of those “blind processes” that we know happens, but it happens behind the scenes.

Let me reassure you, however, that the vast majority of your clean recyclables taken or sent to Recycling Works are processed and sent to the world market for reuse...sometimes as other things.   
“Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) can be used to make many new products, including fiber for polyester carpet; fabric for T-shirts, long underwear, athletic shoes, luggage, upholstery and sweaters; fiberfill for sleeping bags and winter coats; industrial strapping, sheet and film; automotive parts, such as luggage racks, headliners, fuse boxes, bumpers, grilles and door panels; and new PET containers for both food and non-food products.”*

“Besides easily recognizable paper products (e.g, writing paper or paper towels), more than 5,000 products can be made from recycled paper, including:
  • Masking tape
  • Paper money
  • Globes
  • Bandages
  • Dust masks
  • Hospital gowns
  • Coffee filters
  • Lamp shades
  • Car insulation
  • Animal bedding
  • Planting pots for seedlings
  • Egg cartons”**

Glass also can be reused to make such things as:
Countertops - Manufacturers of recycled glass countertops combine crushed glass with porcelain and resins to produce slabs of material that resemble terrazzo. Recycled glass countertops are heat-, stain- and scratch-resistant.

Tile - Homeowners can choose from recycled glass tiles in various shapes, colors and finishes. Frosted, translucent or metallic tiles work for flooring, on walls or in showers and baths. The tiles are sold individually or in sheets and are installed the same way as any other tiles, with mastic and grout.

Insulation - According to the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, fiberglass insulation manufactured today is made of at least 40 percent recycled glass. The other main ingredient in fiberglass insulation is sand.
Paving - Recycled glass mixed with paving materials makes glassphalt, which can be used
to pave streets and parking lots. In use since the 1960s, glassphalt is made by substituting glass for 5 to 40 percent of the rock normally used in manufacturing asphalt, according to the Clean Washington Center.”***

Although we can’t see this process occurring, we benefit from it every day by paying lower prices at the cash register, having a wider selection of items to choose from that are made in the USA, enjoying cleaner air and a less toxic environment, and the pride of knowing that we are a large part of this process....or, rather progress.


Friday, August 24, 2012

PETE?.....Who's PETE?

by: Leslie Jones

Eight glasses of water a day?  In today’s fast-paced society, how often are we near a glass and a kitchen faucet?  The obvious answer to being able to drink this much water a day is, of course, is the ever-popular water bottle.  It is estimated  that, “every 27 hours Americans consume enough bottled water to circle the entire equator with plastic bottles stacked end to end.  In just a single week, those bottles would stretch more than halfway to the moon — 155,400 miles.”*                                                                                                                              
For ease and convenience, the many brands, sizes and types of bottled water serve our purposes. Water bottles are made from #1 plastic.  As described in our previous blog, “Plastic #1 is polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PETE or PET.  Most disposable soda and water bottles are made of #1 plastic, and it’s usually clear. This plastic is considered generally safe. However, it is known to have a porous surface that allows bacteria and flavor to accumulate, so it is best not to keep reusing these bottles as makeshift containers.**

If we really sat and pondered all of the products we use every day containing plastic, we would be astonished to find out that it’s a far shorter list of thing that do not contain any plastic material. Plastic, in itself, has so many benefits.  Lowered production costs, lighter weight, ease of portability are just a few.  But what about the drawbacks of so much plastic in our environment?

“Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a weak synthetic estrogen found in many rigid plastic products...Its estrogen-like activity makes it a hormone disruptor, like many other chemicals in plastics. Hormone disruptors can affect how estrogen and other hormones act in the body, by blocking them or mimicking them, which throws off the body's hormonal balance.  BPA also seems to affect brain development in the womb. In 2011, a study found that pregnant women with high levels of BPA in their urine were more likely to have daughters who showed signs of hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.

While it's likely impossible to completely avoid all plastic products, try to use as little plastic as possible, especially if you're pregnant, and never use it around food.  We also recommend that plastic bottles and containers be recycled instead of reused for food or drinks.

To reduce your exposure to BPA:
  • Carry your own glass, steel, or ceramic water bottle filled with filtered tap water.
  • Reduce how much canned food you eat and how much canned formula your baby uses.
  • Use baby bottles with labels that say "BPA free."
  • Avoid handling carbonless copy cash register receipts. If you get a carbonless receipt, don't recycle it. Recycling receipts with BPA in them can spread the BPA to other products made with recycled paper, including napkins and toilet paper.
  • Look closely at plastics with a number 7 recycling symbol on the bottom. If the plastic doesn't also say "PLA" or have a leaf symbol on it, it may contain BPA. See the chart below for more information on plastic types.

To reduce your exposure to other chemicals in plastics:
  • Don't cook food in plastic containers or use roasting/steaming bags; the plastic residues may leach into food when heated in a regular or microwave oven.
  • Use glass, porcelain, enamel-covered metal, or stainless steel pots, pans, and containers for food and beverages whenever possible, especially if the food or drink is hot.
  • Plastics with recycling symbol 2, 4, and 5 are generally considered OK to use. Plastics with recycling symbol 7 are OK to use as long as they also say "PLA" or have a leaf symbol on them. The recycling symbol number is the code that shows what type of plastic was used to make the product.
  • Recycling symbol 1 is also OK to use, but shouldn't be used more than once (no refilling those store-bought water bottles!). Keep all plastic containers out of the heat and sun.”***

Although health officials do not recommend the reuse of #1 plastic containers, they are “not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones.”****  

If it’s a stylish, convenient, and cost effective alternative to continuously buying water bottles that you are looking for, has a wide selection of safe, reusable containers for you to choose from.  

Get acquainted with PETE.  Once we are properly informed of the safety concerns associated with some plastic materials and the inherent hazards within, we can make a conscious effort to eliminate unnecessary BPA from our environment.  


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Playing the numbers Game

by: Leslie Jones

When we were in high school and asked the question, “When am I ever going to use this again?”, we heard that we would need that math somewhere in our lives...but who would have thought it would be for recycling?  Numbers, triangles, densities...what do all of these mean?  Well, it’s not really math, and not as difficult as it sounds.                     

All recyclable plastic has a triangle on it, usually on the bottom of the container, with a number in it.  This number refers to the type, or density, of the plastic used in the container.  Some of these are safer to use than others and more environmentally friendly as well.  Once we learn what each is and what it does we can not only know how to dispose of them, but also decide whether we want to choose a different container to cook in or alternate type of packaging for food.

“Plastic #1: This is polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PETE or PET.  Most disposable soda and water bottles are made of #1 plastic, and it’s usually clear. This plastic is considered generally safe. However, it is known to have a porous surface that allows bacteria and flavor to accumulate, so it is best not to keep reusing these bottles as makeshift containers.
Plastic #2: This is high density polyethylene, or HDPE.  Most milk jugs, detergent bottles, juice bottles, butter tubs, and toiletries bottles are made of this.  It is usually opaque. This plastic is considered safe and has low risk of leaching.
Plastic #3: This is polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. It is used to make food wrap, bottles for cooking oil, and plumbing pipes. PVC is a tough plastic but it is not considered safe to cook food near it. There are phthalates in this material–softening chemicals that interfere with hormonal development. You should minimize use of #3 plastic around food as much as possible. Never cook using food wrap, especially in a microwave oven. If the wrap is listed as microwave-safe then I would still not let it touch the food while using it in the microwave.
Plastic #4: This is low density polyethylene (LDPE). It is used to make grocery bags, some food wraps, squeezable bottles, and bread bags. This plastic is considered safe
Plastic #5: This is polypropylene. Yogurt cups and similar wide-necked containers are often made from it, as well as water bottles with a cloudy finish. You’ll also find it in medicine bottles, ketchup and syrup bottles, and straws. This plastic is also considered safe.


Plastic #6: This is polystyrene, or Styrofoam, from which disposable containers and packaging are made. You’ll also find it in disposable plates and cups. Evidence is increasingly suggesting that this type of plastic leaches potentially toxic chemicals, especially when heated. I suggest avoiding the use of #6 plastic as much as possible.
Plastic #7: This number basically means “everything else.” It’s a mixed bag, composed of plastics which were invented after 1987.  Polycarbonate falls into this category, including the dreaded BPA. So do modern plastics used in anything from iPods to computer cases. It also includes some baby bottles and food storage containers which resist staining. Use of #7 plastic is at your own risk, since you don’t know what could be in it. You should dispose of any food or drink related product, especially for children, that is known to contain BPA.

To summarize, plastics #2, #4 and #5 are generally considered safe. Plastic #1 is safe too but should not be reused due to the risk of growing bacteria. Any other plastic should be used with extreme caution, especially around food or drink. The risk is even greater when heating food. For microwaving in particular, remember that microwave safe containers aren’t necessarily healthy. They just won’t melt. In general, it’s better to avoid microwaving plastic entirely and stick to glass.”*

Recycling Works, a subsidiary of the Waste-Away Group, is able to accept all plastic bottles and containers  #1-7.  Plastic bags, such as those from grocery stores or bread products can be recycled, but we suggest that they be taken to a free drop-off location at most large grocery stores.  As far as other plastic bottles and’s a numbers game.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trickle-Down Effects of Disposable Water Bottles Run Deep

by: Leslie Jones

“Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours”.*   Imagine how much energy Americans could save if every one of the estimated 30 to 50 billion water bottles that are thrown away each year were recycled!  Although it seems impractical to think that every one of them would be recycled, if even half of them wound up in the recycling bin instead of the landfill, it would impact the United States greatly.  

“Plastic is the world’s greatest source of pollution and water bottles make up the largest portion of the plastic in landfills today. As you may know, plastic does not degrade quickly, and may be harming our soil and animals. Plastic particles have even been linked to human health issues, as when we eat fish, for example, we often consume everything the fish has been exposed to – including chemicals leached from plastics. Even though the world has steadily gained more knowledge about recycling, today, most bottles still end up in landfills”.**

More alarming than the energy saved, however, is the amount of petroleum used to manufacture each water bottle.  An estimated 4 - 5 ounces of pure petroleum is needed to produce and distribute one bottle!  The usage of “disposable” water bottles has been, and continues to be, on the rise; therefore, an inordinate amount of resources continue to be used for its production.

If you enjoy being able to have water bottles in your fridge and simply grab ‘n go, you can identify with millions of others around the nation.  The convenience factor is a compelling reason for many things we do in such a fast-paced time of instant gratification.  Sophisticated electronics, pre-packaged or fast food, and of course....water bottles.  If we choose responsible alternatives, such as using a refillable water jug in the refrigerator and a reusable personal water bottle, the trickle-down effects will run deep.


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Friday, July 6, 2012

Recycling Works.....if you know the
ins and outs  

What goes in...or gets left out...of the recycling bin, that is!
Recycling Reviewed, part 2  


by: Leslie Jones

Can you spot the recycling in this trash container?  Well, not only is it in there, but it’s staying in there.  I mean, is it possible that a trash truck can compact several hundred pounds of waste material, dump it at a transfer station, take perfectly clean, untorn recycling bags out of it, and send it to a materials recycling facility (MRF) for use in manufacturing other products?  It’s possible...but not very probable.  Statistics show that this method of taking recycling materials mixed with trash to a dirty MRF for separation and eventual processing at a  recycling facility can have very poor results.
A MRF is a facility designed to receive, sort, and bundle recyclable items.  A clean MRF accepts recyclable material that have been separated at the source from municipal solid waste (MSW).  A dirty MRF accepts solid waste mixed with recyclables then tries to separate out recyclable materials through manual and mechanical sorting. “The sorted recyclable materials may undergo further processing required to meet technical specifications established by end-markets while the balance of the mixed waste stream is sent to a disposal facility such as a landfill.”*

“Depending on the design of the MRF, the quality of the separated product will vary significantly.  Mixed MSW received at the facility poses the greatest challenge to ensuring separation of clean, quality product.  For this reason it is advantageous to require some initial separation, ideally by the waste generator, well in advance of collection.  Having recyclables picked up separately from the non-recyclable wastes best ensures adequate separation.

The success of recovery at the MRF is variable, depending on the processes used, but recovery from a dirty MRF is obviously much less than we would expect for a source-separated system.”**

So, amidst the uneaten food, eggshells, diapers, bathroom trash, and droppings from your yard, sits the bag of clean recycling that you spent all that time rinsing and sorting so it was clean and ready to be sent off to manufacture other products...and stay out of the landfill. How would you feel if I told you that “a dirty MRF recovers between five and 45 percent of the incoming material as recyclables, then the remainder is landfilled or otherwise disposed.”***  That seems like a lot of effort, time and energy for only 5 to 45 percent.

Would you feel better about recycling if the recovery rate went to double that?  How about 18 times that rate??  Well, “more than 90 percent of the material entering a clean MRF is processed and made ready for sale.”***  Recycling Works is a clean MRF, operating in your best interest and in the best interest of the environment ensuring that your recycling efforts are followed through and not wasted!

Check out our other blogs at 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our “Sorted” Past
Recycling Reviewed, part 1

by:  Leslie Jones

Recycling has been around in some form as long as any of us can remember.  We took glass and plastic bottles back to the grocery store for the deposit and we collected aluminum cans to take to the scrap yard for a little pocket change.  We even understood the importance of repurposing items for other uses than their original intended use, which is why most of our parents had a bird feeder made from an old milk jug or a paper mache picture frame made from popsicle sticks and newspapers.  

Although the idea of recycling still intrigues people and many more of us see the increasing importance of keeping as much as we can from being taken to the landfill, the methods available to us for residential recycling are very different and, in some cases, can be  controversial.

The recycling options we have available to us today include sorting each type of recycling material into different bins, putting all of the recycling into one bag to be picked up by “one truck” ...which will be revisited in Recycling Reviewed, part 2, and the convenient process of “Single Stream” recycling which the Waste-Away Group adopted in 2009.

If you have ever seen the recycling truck pick up your recycling, it all gets dumped into one truck....a Recycling truck to be exact, but I digress.  Years ago my husband and I sorted all of our recyclables into separate containers like the old system we were used to, only to watch the recycling driver dump each container into the same compartment in the truck!  We looked at each other in sheer amazement.  It was then that we were introduced to “Single Stream” recycling.  

This extremely convenient process allows recycling customers to put all of their unsorted, unbagged recyclables into the same container loose for it to be picked up and taken to Recycling Works to be sorted--some by hand, and some by their state-of-the-art machines.  Can you imagine one of the machines is named “The Green Eye”?  This and many other components make it not only a convenient, easy way to recycle, but help control costs since Waste-Away Group is able to more quickly and efficiently service containers when it all goes into the same compartment of the truck....a Recycling truck....(have I already said that?)

The common goal, however, is for as much material as possible to be recycled instead of reaching the landfill--which, again, will be addressed in Recycling Reviewed, part 2.  So in thinking about the effective, efficient, and successful process of “Single Stream” recycling offered by Waste-Away Group, simply remember that the old methods of keeping different types of recyclables in different bins is certainly our “sorted” past.